Fighting loneliness in the Netherlands with a secure software that meets all strict Dutch PDA requirements? With this challenge, Innoveere approached Scopisto. Within two years, a complete, user-friendly 1.0 version was ready. Are you wondering how they achieved this together and whether Dutch people are less lonely as a result? Read on.
Daniëlle Burema, Productmanager bij Innoveere: “Denkt een pakketbezorger, winkelier of huishoudelijke hulp dat iemand eenzaam is? Dan kunnen ze dit eenvoudig in de app melden. Vervolgens gaat iemand van een welzijnsorganisatie of een vrijwilliger langs. Eén gesprek maakt vaak al een groot verschil.”
Ron de Bruijn, Director at Innoveere: “Half of the people reported are not yet known to agencies. So Signaalpunt actually helps to bring the issue of loneliness to the surface. Moreover, we see that people are registering themselves; using the software has a much lower threshold than going to your doctor.”
Daniëlle continues: “Municipalities have different requirements, for example with regard to logging. This is automated data registration, intended to keep track of actions within a system. Signaalpunt meets these requirements. In addition, we are ISO27001 certified and only process data within General Data Protection regulations. During the development of initial and subsequent versions, Scopisto studies and ensures security. They also closely monitor vulnerabilities and actively respond to unsafe situations. This keeps us compliant with municipalitiy demands and security requirements.”
Ron is convinced that many organizations opt for large software vendors because they expect that more developers means more knowledge in-house: “This is often not the case. With large vendors too, just one or two developers really know your system and software. You’re actually getting false security. In addition, large vendors tend to be less involved with your concerns. In case of a problem, they often follow the contract and tell you to wait your turn until tomorrow. Scopisto does the opposite. They have just as much passion for Signaalpunt as we do. That really makes a difference. If a problem should arise, they will solve it quickly.”
Meanwhile, Signaalpunt has already successfully handled over 1,000 signals. What are the plans going forward? Ron: “We hope Signaalpunt will be adopted by all municipalities. We see that the idea and the user-friendliness are much appreciated. Daniëlle concludes: “There will also be a new law, the WAMS Act. This will soon allow municipalities to organize better care for citizens with multiple care needs. Together with Scopisto, we want to integrate this method into Signalenportaal, so that municipalities can collect, process and share personal data across multiple domains.”
Software combats loneliness
Innoveere devises smart solutions to social issues. One of the biggest challenges they are addressing is the problem of loneliness. As many as 187,000 Dutch people regularly feel very lonely. The user-friendly application Signaalpunt offers a solution.Daniëlle Burema, Productmanager bij Innoveere: “Denkt een pakketbezorger, winkelier of huishoudelijke hulp dat iemand eenzaam is? Dan kunnen ze dit eenvoudig in de app melden. Vervolgens gaat iemand van een welzijnsorganisatie of een vrijwilliger langs. Eén gesprek maakt vaak al een groot verschil.”
Ron de Bruijn, Director at Innoveere: “Half of the people reported are not yet known to agencies. So Signaalpunt actually helps to bring the issue of loneliness to the surface. Moreover, we see that people are registering themselves; using the software has a much lower threshold than going to your doctor.”
From idea to application
Innoveere and Scopisto collaborated on version 1.0 for two years. Daniëlle explains: “We divide up the wishes of municipalities. Scopisto then elaborates on these in a sprint. This process forces us to make choices and set priorities at an early stage, strengthening the application. We run Signaalpunt on a virtual server, which makes it a scalable software solution. We can make it work for another municipality with minimal effort. In addition to development, Scopisto also provides technical management of the hosting solution.”“Scopisto keeps vulnerabilities in sight and responds to unsafe situations.”
Security and privacy first
The first pilot ran in Rotterdam. Ron: “We quickly noticed that each municipality came up with different wishes. Implementing Signaalpunt in a small municipality like Terneuzen requires a different approach than making it work in Rotterdam.”Daniëlle continues: “Municipalities have different requirements, for example with regard to logging. This is automated data registration, intended to keep track of actions within a system. Signaalpunt meets these requirements. In addition, we are ISO27001 certified and only process data within General Data Protection regulations. During the development of initial and subsequent versions, Scopisto studies and ensures security. They also closely monitor vulnerabilities and actively respond to unsafe situations. This keeps us compliant with municipalitiy demands and security requirements.”
“Opting for a large software vendor often means opting for false security.”
Ron is convinced that many organizations opt for large software vendors because they expect that more developers means more knowledge in-house: “This is often not the case. With large vendors too, just one or two developers really know your system and software. You’re actually getting false security. In addition, large vendors tend to be less involved with your concerns. In case of a problem, they often follow the contract and tell you to wait your turn until tomorrow. Scopisto does the opposite. They have just as much passion for Signaalpunt as we do. That really makes a difference. If a problem should arise, they will solve it quickly.”
Always straightforward
Daniëlle: “Michiel always tells us the truth, so you know where you stand. If a plan is not feasible, he will say so. Contacting software vendors often goes through an intermediary and not directly with developers. With Scopisto, you are in direct contact which is so much more efficient.“At Scopisto, you are in direct contact with developers, which is much more efficient.”
Meanwhile, Signaalpunt has already successfully handled over 1,000 signals. What are the plans going forward? Ron: “We hope Signaalpunt will be adopted by all municipalities. We see that the idea and the user-friendliness are much appreciated. Daniëlle concludes: “There will also be a new law, the WAMS Act. This will soon allow municipalities to organize better care for citizens with multiple care needs. Together with Scopisto, we want to integrate this method into Signalenportaal, so that municipalities can collect, process and share personal data across multiple domains.”